

感謝  神的恩典,亦確信是  神的安排,讓我們能在同一個校舍和同一個時空中相遇。我和眾老師能跟同學們一起生活,每天有相處的時刻,互相支持、學習和成長,我深信這絕對是  神的安排。因此,我和全體老師及教職員,必不負  神的託付,盡心盡力去令「怡中」能成為一個讓所有師生都感受到  神的愛的地方。是  神給我們信心,讓我們懷著盼望,知道  神必會給我們最好的安排,使我們能彼此相愛;令師生互相接納、信任和包容,彼此在愛中成長。



未來一年,我相信會是充滿盼望和喜樂的一年,也會是  神恩典滿滿的一年!





1st September, 2023

Dear fellow students

I am grateful for the grace of God, and I am convinced that it is God’s plan that allows us to meet here and to support each other, learn, and grow every day. Therefore, all teachers, staff and I will live up to God’s entrustment and do our best to make our school a place where all teachers and students can feel God’s love, grow and learn together. This is the confidence that God has given us, which allows us to have hope and know that God will prepare the best for us so that we can grow in love with acceptance.

In the 2023-24 school year, I hope that students will have a healthy and happy school life and get better care from teachers. Therefore, each of our junior form classes will have at least three homeroom teachers to take care of students. In addition, lunch time will be increased by 10 minutes so that you can have more time to eat and participate in extra-curricular activities. Secondary 4 and Secondary 5 will enjoy OLE (Other Learning Experience) classes in two periods (2 hours and 10 minutes in total)  which include emerging sports, creative arts, other languages (such as Japanese) as well as career planning activities to enrich your learning experience. I look forward to seeing you explore your interests and potential beyond subject knowledge and I believe the experience will add colour and fun to your lives.

In terms of promoting students’ learning, we will still focus on improving students’ note-taking skills and enhancing learning effectiveness. By helping and teaching students to formulate learning strategies and study plans (including making timetables), we hope that you will be more confident in learning.

I believe this year will be a year full of hope and joy, and it will also be a year full of God’s grace.

Warmest regards,

Mr. Ho Hok Leong