「中一學科測驗(分班試)」安排 Arrangements for Pre-S1 Attainment Test (Streaming Test)

鑑於新型冠狀病毒在本港再次蔓延,教育局已宣佈中小學「提早放暑假」。故此,本校決定取消原訂於7月14日(星期二)舉行之中一學科測驗(分班試),中一新生當日無需回校應試。而分班的安排將會以教育局提供之學生成績次第及學生之小五(下學期)及小六(上學期)成績而定。煩請各位家長於7月15日(星期三)或以前把相關成績副本電郵至 ewun@llcew.edu.hk 或把有關副本交往本校校務處。敬希垂注!

In view of the exponential growth of local confirmed cases of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-2019) over the past two days, in accordance with the recommendations of the Education Bureau, the School has decided to cancel the Pre-S1 Attainment Test (Streaming Test) which was scheduled to be held on 14th July 2020. Students will be streamed into classes based on the Rank Order provided by EDB as well as their academic performance in Primary 5 (second term) and 6 (first term). Parents may either send the electronic copies of original documents (i.e. report cards) to the School at ewun@llcew.edu.hk or submit them in person at the latest by 15th July 2020 at our General Office during office hours.