暑假回校須知 Notes for returning to school during summer vacation

4)中文、英文、數學暑期作業安排:已聯絡出版社,於1/8透過Google Classroom發放網上版,同學可以下載及列印完成 ;如有需要,可自行選擇回校領取紙本版
5)已訂購課本的回學校禮堂取書(8/8 9:00am-3:00pm),分流安排容後公佈

Dear Parents and Students

In view of the exponential growth of local confirmed cases of COVID-19, the school would like to inform parents of the following arrangements:

1) If students need to collect learning materials from their lockers, they may take their time to do so during office hours. Please do not rush as the materials will be kept until the new school year begins.

2) School report cards will be distributed when the new school year begins. If parents would like to collect them earlier, they may do so at the school general office within office hours. However, it is not necessary to collect them within this week.

3) The registration forms will be distributed and collected when the new school year begins. The school has reserved places for all students of this school year, so parents do not need to rush for registration at school.

4) The summer exercise books for Chinese, English and Mathematics will be uploaded onto Google Classroom. Students can download the online version for printing in order to complete the exercises. If necessary, they may return to the school to collect their copies of exercise books.

5) Please collect pre-ordered textbooks on Aug 8 from 9 am to 3 pm. The arrangement will be announced later.